Monday, 21 May 2012

Technical components of Oracle Purchasing

Technical components of Oracle Purchasing

Oracle Purchasing allows requisitions, purchase orders, quotations, and receipts etc to be processed and integrated with modules such as General Ledger, Inventory, Order Management etc. The Oracle Purchasing design consists of various technical components like interfaces, workflows, profile options, tables etc which are summarized in this article.

Main Business Components in Oracle Purchasing are
Purchase Orders

You must to be setup as an employee in order to create a requisition or a PO. If Oracle HR is installed then you have to use the form defined in Oracle HRMS to define an employee. If Oracle HR is not installed then you can use a form under Setup->Personnel->Employees to setup employees.
Important Note: The view HR_EMPLOYEES_CURRENT_V gives one record per active employee. PER_PEOPLE_F/PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F store multiple records per employee with specific start and end dates
PO_VENDORS, PO_VENDOR_SITES_ALL and PO_VENDOR_CONTACTS are the main tables for this entity. Vendors are global i.e. a vendor, once defined, can be used across operating units (OU). Vendor sites are OU specific. Most of the PO tables store the VENDOR_ID and VENDOR_SITE_ID columns. VENDOR_SITE_ID is unique (not unique within a VENDOR_ID) in 11i. It used to be unique for a vendor until 11.0.PO_VENDORS
PO_VENDORS stores information about your suppliers. You need one row for each supplier you define. Each row includes the supplier name as well as purchasing, receiving, payment, accounting, tax, classification, and general information.
Oracle Purchasing uses this information to determine active suppliers. VENDOR_ID is the unique system–generated receipt header number invisible to the user.
SEGMENT1 is the system–generated or manually assigned number you use to identify the supplier in forms and reports. Oracle Purchasing generates SEGMENT1 using the PO_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER_CONTROL table if you choose to let Oracle Purchasing generate supplier numbers for you.
This table is one of three tables that store supplier information. PO_VENDORS corresponds to the Suppliers window.
PO_VENDOR_SITES_ALL stores information about your supplier sites. You need a row for each supplier site you define. Each row includes the site address, supplier reference, purchasing, payment, bank, and general information. Oracle Purchasing uses this information to store supplier address information.
This table is one of three tables that store supplier information. PO_VENDOR_SITES_ALL corresponds to the Sites region of the Suppliers window.

PO_VENDOR_CONTACTS stores information about contacts for a supplier site. You need one row for each supplier contact you define.
Each row includes the contact name and site.
This table is one of three tables that store supplier information. PO_VENDOR_CONTACTS corresponds to the Contacts region of the Supplier Sites window

This entity is the starting point of data flow in the PO module. Requisitions can be created by various means – Enter Reqs form, Requisition Interface tables or using Self Service Purchasing.
All requisitions need to be approved before being considered for future processing. An unapproved requisition has a value of ‘Incomplete’ for the column AUTHORIZATION_STATUS in the table PO_REQUISITION_HEADERS. After the requisition is completed it should be submitted for Approval. Approval is a separate piece of code that is reused in both Reqs as well as PO approval. It is a combination of Workflow, PL/SQL and Pro*C code.
There are 3 main tables for Reqs:

PO_REQUISITION_HEADERS_ALL stores information about requisition headers. You need one row for each requisition header you create. Each row contains the requisition number, preparer, status, and description.
REQUISITION_HEADER_ID is the unique system–generated requisition number. REQUISITION_HEADER_ID is invisible to the user.
SEGMENT1 is the number you use to identify the requisition in forms and reports. Oracle Purchasing generates SEGMENT1 using the PO_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER_CONTROL table if you choose to let Oracle Purchasing generate requisition numbers for you.
PO_REQUISITION_HEADERS_ALL corresponds to the Header region of the Requisitions window.
SEGMENT1 provides unique values for each row in the table in addition to REQUISITION_HEADER_ID.

PO_REQUISITION_LINES stores information about requisition lines. You need one row for each requisition line you create.
Each row contains the line number, item number, item category, item description, need–by date, deliver–to location, item quantities, units, prices, requestor, notes, and suggested supplier information for the requisition line.
LINE_LOCATION_ID identifies the purchase order shipment line on which you placed the requisition. LINE_LOCATION_ID is null if you have not placed the requisition line on a purchase order.
BLANKET_PO_HEADER_ID and BLANKET_PO_LINE_NUM store the suggested blanket purchase agreement or catalog quotation line information for the requisition line.
PARENT_REQ_LINE_ID contains the REQUISITION_LINE_ID from the original requisition line if you exploded or multi-sourced this requisition line.
This table corresponds to the Lines region of the Requisitions window.
PO_REQ_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL stores information about the accounting distributions associated with each requisition line. Each requisition line must have at least one accounting distribution. You need one row for each requisition distribution you create.
Each row includes the Accounting Flexfield ID and requisition line quantity.
PO_REQ_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL is one of three tables storing your requisition information. This table corresponds to the requisition Distributions window, accessible through the Requisitions window

Purchase Order
This is the pivotal entity of Oracle Purchasing. All other entities function for or because of this entity. There are four main tables for this entity:
There are six types of documents that use PO_HEADERS_ALL:
• RFQs
• Quotations
• Standard purchase orders
• Planned purchase orders
• Blanket purchase orders
• Contracts
Each row contains buyer information, supplier information, brief notes, foreign currency information, terms and conditions information, and the status of the document. Oracle Purchasing uses this information to record information that is related to a complete document. PO_HEADER_ID is the unique system–generated primary key and is invisible to the user. SEGMENT1 is the system–assigned number you use to identify the document in forms and reports. Oracle Purchasing generates SEGMENT1 using the PO_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER_CONT_ALL table if you choose to let Oracle Purchasing generate document numbers for you. SEGMENT1 is not unique for the entire table. Different document types can share the same numbers. You can uniquely identify a row in PO_HEADERS_ALL using SEGMENT1 and TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE or using PO_HEADER_ID.
If APPROVED_FLAG is ’Y’, the purchase order is approved. If your document type is a blanket purchase order, contract purchase order, RFQ, or quotation, Oracle Purchasing uses START_DATE and END_DATE to store the valid date range for the document. Oracle Purchasing only uses BLANKET_TOTAL_AMOUNT for blanket
Is a detail of headers table.
Each row includes the line number, the item number and category, unit, price, tax information, matching information, and quantity ordered for the line. Oracle Purchasing uses this information to record and update item and price information for purchase orders, quotations, and RFQs. PO_LINE_ID is the unique system–generated line number invisible to the user. LINE_NUM is the number of the line on the purchase order.
Oracle Purchasing uses CONTRACT_NUM to reference a contract purchase order from a standard purchase order line. Oracle Purchasing uses ALLOW_PRICE_OVERRIDE_FLAG, COMMITTED_AMOUNT, QUANTITY_COMMITTED, MIN_RELEASE_AMOUNT only for blanket and planned purchase order lines.
The QUANTITY field stores the total quantity of all purchase order shipment lines (found in PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ALL).
Also known as Shipments is a detail of lines. PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ALL contains information about purchase order shipment schedules and blanket agreement price breaks. You need one row for each schedule or price break you attach to a document line.
Each row includes the location, quantity, and dates for each shipment schedule. Oracle Purchasing uses this information to record delivery schedule information for purchase orders, and price break information for blanket purchase orders, quotations and RFQs.
PO_RELEASE_ID applies only to blanket purchase order release shipments. PO_RELEASE_ID identifies the release on which you placed this shipment.
SOURCE_SHIPMENT_ID applies only to planned purchase order release shipments. It identifies the planned purchase order shipment you chose to release from.
PRICE_OVERRIDE always equals the purchase order line price for standard purchase order shipments. For blanket and planned purchase orders, PRICE_OVERRIDE depends on the values of the ALLOW_PRICE_OVERRIDE_FLAG and NOT_TO_EXCEED_PRICE in the corresponding row in PO_LINES_ALL:
If ALLOW_PRICE_OVERRIDE_FLAG is ’Y’, then PRICE_OVERRIDE can take any value that is smaller than NOT_TO_EXCEED_PRICE in PO_LINES_ALL.
The QUANTITY field corresponds to the total quantity ordered on all purchase order distribution lines (found in PO_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL).

PO_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL contains accounting distribution information for a purchase order shipment line. You need one row for each distribution line you attach to a purchase order shipment.
Each row includes the destination type, requestor ID, quantity ordered and deliver–to location for the distribution. Oracle Purchasing uses this information to record accounting and requisition information for purchase orders and releases.
PO_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL is one of five tables storing purchase order and release information.
Some columns in PO_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL contain information only if certain conditions exist:
If you autocreate this accounting distribution from a requisition, REQ_DISTRIBUTION_ID corresponds to the ID of the requisition distribution you copy on the purchase order.
If you use a foreign currency on your purchase order, Oracle Purchasing stores currency conversion information in RATE and RATE_DATE.
If you use encumbrance, GL_ENCUMBERED_DATE and
GL_ENCUMBERED_PERIOD_NAME contain encumbrance information Oracle Purchasing uses to create journal entries in Oracle General Ledger.
If you do not autocreate the purchase order from online requisitions, REQ_LINE_REFERENCE_NUM and REQ_HEADER_REFERENCE_NUM contain the requisition number and requisition line number of the corresponding paper requisition. These two columns are not foreign keys to another table.
If the distribution corresponds to a blanket purchase order release, PO_RELEASE_ID identifies this release.
If SOURCE_DISTRIBUTION_ID has a value, the distribution is part of a planned purchase order release.
Reqs can be converted to Purchase Orders using either the Autocreate form or Create PO workflow. If certain conditions are satisfied then multiple req lines are converted to a single PO line or a single PO shipment.

There are two receipt source types, Supplier (PO based) and Internal Order (Internal Requisitions and Inter-org transfers) that you need to use when receiving against different source document types. You use a receipt source type of ’Supplier’ when receiving items that you ordered from an external supplier using a purchase order.
When you receive items that are part of an inter–organization transfer, or when receiving items that you request from your inventory using an internal requisition, the receipt type would be ’Internal Order’. The ’Internal Order’ receipt source type populates the ORGANIZATION_ID column.
There are three main tables in receiving:

RCV_SHIPMENT_HEADERS stores common information about the source of your receipts or expected receipts. You group your receipts by the source type and the source of the receipt. Oracle Purchasing does not allow you to group receipts from different sources under one receipt header.
Oracle Purchasing creates a receipt header when you are entering your receipts or when you perform inter–organization transfers using Oracle Inventory. When Oracle Inventory creates a receipt header for an intransit shipment, the receipt number is not populated until you receive the shipment.
RCV_SHIPMENT_LINES stores information about items that have been shipped and/or received from a specific receipt source. RCV_SHIPMENT_LINES also stores information about the default destination for intransit shipments.
RCV_TRANSACTIONS stores historical information about receiving transactions that you have performed. When you enter a receiving transaction and the receiving transaction processor processes your transaction, the transaction is recorded in this table.
Once a row has been inserted into this table, it will never be updated.
When you correct a transaction, the net transaction quantity is maintained in RCV_SUPPLY. The original transaction quantity does not get updated. You can only delete rows from this table using the Purge feature of Oracle Purchasing.

Main Interfaces
You could import requisitions, Purchase Orders and Receipts using the open interfaces for the respective entities. The Manufacturing APIs and Open Interfaces manual is a comprehensive guide to these interfaces.

Requisitions Interface
See ReqImport process below.

Purchasing Documents Open Interface (PDOI)
You can automatically import and update price/sales catalog information and request for quotation (RFQ) responses from suppliers through the Purchasing Documents Open Interface. You can also import standard purchase orders (for example, from a legacy system) through the Purchasing Documents Open Interface.
The Purchasing Documents Open Interface uses Application Program Interfaces (APIs) to process the data in the Oracle Applications interface tables to ensure that it is valid before importing it into Oracle Purchasing. After validating the price/sales catalog information or RFQ responses, the Purchasing Documents Open Interface program converts the information, including price break information, in the interface tables into blanket purchase agreements, or catalog quotations in Purchasing. For standard purchase orders, the Purchasing Documents Open Interface also validates the header, line, shipment, and distribution information before importing the purchase orders into Purchasing.
You can choose whether to import the data as standard purchase orders, blanket purchase agreements, or catalog quotations. You can also choose to update your item master and, for blanket purchase agreements and quotations, apply sourcing rules and release generation methods to the imported item. Blanket purchase agreements and quotations can also be replaced with the latest price/sales catalog information when your supplier sends a replacement catalog, or updated when the supplier sends an updated catalog. Standard purchase orders can only be imported as new documents.
One way to import the blanket purchase agreements and catalog quotations is through Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). The Purchasing Documents Open Interface supports the EDI transmissions of the price/sales catalogs (ANSI X12 832 or EDIFACT PRICAT) and responses to RFQs (ANSI X12 843 or EDIFACT QUOTES). Standard purchase orders cannot be transmitted through EDI. You can import these into the interface tables using a program that you write.

Receiving Open Interface
Within the Receiving Open Interface, receipt data is validated for compatibility with Purchasing. There are two Receiving Open Interface tables:
Receipt data that is entered through the Receipts window in Purchasing is derived, defaulted, and validated by the Receipts window. Most receipt data that is imported through the Receiving Open Interface is derived, defaulted, and validated by the receiving transaction pre-processor.
The pre-processor is a program that the Receiving Transaction Processor initiates for data entered in the Receiving Open Interface. The pre-processor simulates, in Batch mode, what the receiving windows do when you save a transaction.
After performing header- and line-level validation, the pre-processor checks the profile option RCV: Fail All ASN Lines if One Line Fails. If the profile option is set to ’Yes’ and any line failed validation, the pre-processor fails the entire transaction. If the profile option is set to ’No’ (and TEST_FLAG is not ’Y’), the Receiving Transaction Processor takes over and, for all successfully processed records, performs the same steps that occur when you normally save receipt information in Purchasing:
· Populates the RCV_SHIPMENT_HEADERS table in Purchasing with the receipt header information.
· Populates the RCV_SHIPMENT_LINES table in Purchasing for each receipt header entry in the RCV_SHIPMENT_HEADERS table in Purchasing.
· Populates the RCV_TRANSACTIONS table in Purchasing for each row in the RCV_SHIPMENT_HEADERS and RCV_SHIPMENT_LINES table if the column AUTO_TRANSACT_CODE in the RCV_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE table contains a value of ’RECEIVE’ or ’DELIVER’.
· Updates supply for accepted line items in the tables MTL_SUPPLY and RCV_SUPPLY.
· Calls the Oracle Inventory module for processing ’DELIVER’ transactions.
· Calls the Oracle General Ledger module for processing financial transactions, such as receipt-based accruals.
· Updates the corresponding purchase orders with the final received and delivered quantities.

Major Processes
A few important processes are described below. There are several other equally important processes in Oracle Purchasing. The user’s guide and Oracle Manufacturing API’s and Open Interfaces manual is a good source for information on them.
This interface lets you integrate Oracle Purchasing quickly with new or existing applications such as material requirements planning, inventory management, and production control systems. Purchasing automatically validates your data and imports your requisitions. You can import requisitions as often as you want. Then, you can review these requisitions, approve or reserve funds for them if necessary, and place them on purchase orders or internal sales orders.
You must write the program that inserts a single row into the PO_REQUISITIONS_INTERFACE_ALL and/or the PO_REQ_DIST_INTERFACE_ALL table for each requisition line that you want to import. Then you use the Submit Request window to launch the Requisition Import program for any set of rows.
You identify the set of rows you want to import by setting the INTERFACE_SOURCE_CODE and BATCH_ID columns appropriately in the PO_REQUISITIONS_INTERFACE_ALL table. You then pass these values as parameters to the Requisition Import program. If you do not specify any values for these parameters, the program imports all therequisition lines in the PO_REQUISITIONS_INTERFACE_ALL table. You also specify the requisition grouping and numbering criteria as parameters to the Requisition Import program.
Each run of the Requisition Import program picks up distribution information from either the PO_REQUISITIONS_INTERFACE_ALL or the PO_REQ_DIST_INTERFACE_ALL table. The PO_REQ_DIST_INTERFACE_ALL table was used in Release 11, for Self-Service Purchasing (known then as Web Requisitions). In Release 11i, you should use the PO_REQ_DIST_INTERFACE_ALL table to create multiple distributions only for requisitions created in non-Oracle systems that use multiple distributions. As long as the Multiple Distributions field in the Requisition Import program is No (or blank), Requisition Import looks for distribution information in the PO_REQUISITIONS_INTERFACE_ALL table.
The Requisition Import program operates in three phases. In the first phase, the program validates your data and derives or defaults additional information. The program generates an error message for every validation that fails and creates a row in the PO_INTERFACE_ERRORS table with detailed information about each error.
In the second phase, the program groups and numbers the validated requisition lines according to the following criteria. If you specify a value in the REQ_NUMBER_SEGMENT1 column of the PO_REQUISITIONS_INTERFACE_ALL table, all lines with the same value for this column are grouped together under a requisition header. If you provide a value in the GROUP_CODE column, all lines with the same value in this column are grouped together under a requisition header.
If you do not provide values in either of these columns, the Requisition Import program uses the Group By parameter to group lines together. If you do not provide a value for this parameter, the program uses the default Group By that you set up to group requisition lines. You can group requisition lines in one of the following ways that the Requisition Import program supports by:
· ALL (all requisition lines grouped under one header)
If you provide a value in the REQ_NUMBER_SEGMENT1 column of the PO_REQUISITIONS_INTERFACE_ALL table, this value becomes the requisition number. If not, the Requisition Import program uses either the Last Requisition Number parameter if specified or the next unique number stored in the PO_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER_CONTROL table, adds 1 to this number, and starts numbering requisitions. If any of the requisition numbers generated already exists, the program loops until it finds a unique number. For every line that is successfully imported, a default distribution is created with the account information that you specify. (You specify account information in any of the following columns in either the PO_REQUISITIONS_INTERFACE_ALL or the PO_REQ_DIST_INTERFACE_ALL table: CHARGE_ACCOUNT_ID, ACCRUAL_ACCOUNT_ID, VARIANCE_ACCOUNT_ID, BUDGET_ACCOUNT_ID, or any of the CHARGE_ACCOUNT_SEGMENT columns.) Requisition supply is also created for every approved requisition that is successfully imported.
In the third phase, the program deletes all the successfully processed rows in the interface tables, and creates a report which lists the number of interface records that were successfully imported and the number that were not imported. This report can be viewed by choosing View Output for the Requisition Import concurrent
Request ID in the Requests window. You can launch the Requisition Import Exceptions Report to view the rows that were not imported by the Requisition Import program along with the failure reason(s) for each row.

PO Create Documents Workflow
Purchasing integrates with Oracle Workflow technology to create standard purchase orders or blanket releases automatically from approved requisition lines. The workflow for creating purchasing documents automatically is called PO Create Documents.
In the Workflow Builder, PO Create Documents consists of several processes. Each of these processes is viewable in the Workflow Builder as a diagram whose objects and properties you can modify. Each workflow process consists of individual functions.
For each document that is created successfully by the PO Create Documents workflow, the PO Approval workflow is called to approve the document if you have allowed automatic approval.
The PO Create Documents workflow is initiated at the end of the requisition approval workflow for approved requisition lines. The workflow begins automatic document creation if you’ve kept the item attribute Is Automatic Creation Allowed? set to Y for Yes, if source documents are associated with the requisition lines, and you have properly set up sourcing rules. If the source document associated with the requisition line is a quotation, a standard purchase order is created. If the source document is a blanket purchase agreement, a release is created.

PO Approval Workflow
Whenever you submit a purchase order or release for approval or take an action in the Notifications Summary window, Purchasing uses Oracle Workflow technology in the background to handle the approval process. Workflow uses the approval controls and hierarchies you define according to the setup steps in the section to route documents for approval. You can use the Workflow Builder interface to modify your approval process.
The purchase order approval workflow consists of processes, which are viewable in the Workflow Builder as a diagram, some of whose objects and properties you can modify. Each workflow process, in turn, consists of individual function activities.
The PO Approval workflow is initiated at the following points in Purchasing:
· When you choose Submit for Approval (and then choose OK) in the Approve Document window. See: Submitting a Document for Approval
· When you respond to a reminder in the Notifications Summary window reminding you to submit a document for approval that has not yet been submitted.
The purchase order approval process is associated with an item type called PO Approval. This item type identifies all purchase order and release approval workflow processes available.
Refer to the Oracle Purchasing User’s guide for a comprehensive explanation of the flow.

Other important tables in Oracle Purchasing
PO_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_ALL stores default, control, and option information you provide to customize Oracle Purchasing to your company’s needs. PO_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_ALL corresponds to the Purchasing Options window. This table has no primary key. The table should never have more than one row.
PO_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER_CONT_ALL stores information about the current, highest, system–generated numbers for the Oracle Purchasing tables that require special sequencing. You need one row for each sequentially system–generated number for each organization. The table includes rows for each of the following: purchase orders, requisitions, receipts, suppliers, quotations, and requests for quotations (RFQs).
For each organization, there are four rows for each of the following entities: PO_HEADERS_ALL, PO_REQUISITION_HEADERS_ALL, PO_HEADERS_RFQ and PO_HEADERS_QUOTE. There are two rows corresponding to the entities PO_VENDORS and RCV_SHIPMENT_HEADERS.
The information for the quotation and RFQ sub–entities is associated with the PO_HEADERS_ALL table entity. TABLE_NAME values for quotations and RFQs are ’PO_HEADERS_QUOTE’ and ’PO_HEADERS_RFQ’ respectively.
PO_LINE_TYPES_B contains information about the line types you use in your business. You need each row for each line type you use. Oracle Purchasing uses this information to provide default information when you create a document line using a line type. Oracle Purchasing also uses this information to control how you enter information on your document lines according to the line type you choose.
ORDER_TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE is ’AMOUNT’ for an amount–based line type or ’QUANTITY’ for a quantity–based line type.
PO_DOCUMENT_TYPES_ALL_B contains information about default, control, and option information you provide to customize Oracle Purchasing document management for your company’s needs.
PO_DOCUMENT_TYPES_ALL_B corresponds to the Document Types window.
PO_ACTION_HISTORY contains information about the approval and control history of your purchasing documents. There is one record in this table for each approval or control action an employee takes on a purchase order, purchase agreement, release, or requisition. Each row includes references to the document itself, the employee who acted on the document, the date of the action, the type of action taken on the document, and a note each employee can leave when taking an action on the document.
Oracle Purchasing uses this information to display history information about documents and to forward documents in the approval process to the appropriate employee.

Important Profile Options in Oracle Purchasing
Indicates the date used on purchase orders generated by AutoCreate: The autocreate date is used as the purchase order date. The GL date on the requisition distribution is used as the purchase order date.
Yes means that Purchasing automatically defaults source document and pricing information for an item from the most recently created blanket purchase agreement or quotation. No means that this source document information comes from the Approved Supplier List window, where you must specify which source documents to use. Note that if an item on a requisition is associated with both a blanket purchase agreement and a quotation, Purchasing uses the blanket purchase agreement even if the quotation was created more recently.
Yes or No indicates whether Purchasing opens the appropriate transaction window (Purchase Orders window, RFQs window, or Sourcing negotiation page) and displays the created line(s) when you autocreate a document.
Yes means that when you run the Receiving Transaction Processor to import data from another system using the Receiving Open Interface, the View Log screen displays the receiving transaction pre–processor’s actions, including errors, as it processed the receipt data from start to finish. (The profile option RCV: Processing Mode must also be set to
Immediate or Batch for the Yes option to work.) Yes also generates a database trace file; if you need help with an error that occurs while the
Receiving Transaction Processor runs, Oracle Support Services may ask you for this trace file. This profile option should be set to Yes only while debugging the Receiving Open Interface or for generating a trace file.
The Receiving Open Interface validates receipt transactions from other systems and uses the Receiving Transaction Processor to import the validated data into Purchasing.
Yes or No indicates whether Purchasing can automatically create releases during the Requisition Import process.
Yes or No indicates whether Purchasing restricts requisition line modify in AutoCreate to only splitting the quantity of a line. No means that the standard AutoCreate requisition line modify logic applies.
Yes or No indicates whether log details are written to a flat file rather than to the standard concurrent manager details log viewable through the View Log button in the Submit Request window when running the Purchasing Documents Open Interface program.
Yes means log details are written to a flat file. No means log details are written to the concurrent manager log screen, which can cause overflow problems for large catalogs. Leaving this profile option blank means log details are not written at all, which improves performance.
Indicates the processing mode used after you save your work for receiving transactions:
The transaction goes to the interface table, where it will be picked up the next time the Receiving Transaction Processor runs.
The transaction goes to the interface table, and the Receiving Transaction Processor is called for the group of transactions that you entered since you last saved your work.
The Receiving Transaction Processor is called directly.
Yes or No indicates whether the destination type assigned during requisition or purchase order entry can be overridden at receipt time.
If set to Yes, and RCV: Processing Mode set to Immediate or Batch, debug messages will be printed to the concurrent log file.
If it is set to Yes, a search in the Enter Receipts window and the Receiving Transactions window automatically select the Include Closed POs checkbox. Your search results will then include closed orders.
The Receiving Open Interface (including ASN) will allow a receipt against orders with the status of Closed for Receiving if this profile is set to Yes. Any setting other than Yes prevents receiving against orders using the Receiving Open Interface with the status of Closed for Receiving.

Basic Purchasing Setups
The purchasing user must be set as a buyer in Oracle applications. Before setting the user as buyer he/she must be an employee in applications.
Employee Setup
Employee should be assigned the position and job. This is useful in PO approval workflow.
The view used is per_people_v, per_people_address_v, per_people_assigment_v to store the employee information.
Buyer Setup
Once the user is set as buyer then he/she can create/approve/print the purchase orders. Whether the users can create/approve/print the purchase orders is decided by how the document types are setup.
The table which stores the buyer is PO_AGENTS and the view used for the buyer name and other details is PO_AGENTS_V.
The important columns PO_AGENTS_V
Column Name
Unique agent id
Agent Name
Unique location id
Location code
Start date active
End date active
Document Types
Document types there are certain attributes needs to be set. They are explained below-:
1) Owner can approve: If we check this attribute then user can approve the documents he has created. This field is not updatable when the document type is RFQ or Requisition.
2) Approver can modify: If we check this attribute then approver the contents of the document. This is not applicable to RFQ and requisitions.
3) Can change forward to: This indicates test that the user can change the name of the approver in the approval window.
4) Can change forward from: This indicates that the user can change the name of the document creator. This is available only for document type requisition.
5) Can change approval hierarchy: Preparers and approvers can change the approval hierarchy in the approval document window.
6) Disable: Check it to disable the Document type.
7) Access Level: How the users can access the document type.
a. Full: Full access to the user
b. Modify: Can modify the document type
c. View Only: Can only view the document type
8) Archive On: When the archival of document type will take place.
a. On approval: On approval of the document
b. On Printing: On printing of the document.
9) Approval workflow: Which workflow the purchasing will use to approve the document type in question. One can define a custom workflow and also mention the name of the workflow.
10) Default Hierarchy: What hierarchy the approval process will follow is to be mentioned here.

Table Used
The table where the information is stored is PO_DOCUMENT_TYPES_V

Supplier Setup
The table where the information is stored is PO_VENDORS
Column Name
Unique vendor id
Vendor or supplier name
Vendor Number
Start date active
End date active
End date active
Another important table associated with this screen is PO_VENDORS_SITES_ALL. This stores the important information of vendor sites.
Column Name
Unique vendor site Id
Unique vendor site id refers PO_VENDORS
Vendor site code
Purchase Orders
Creation Of Standard Purchase Orders
Creation of purchase orders has three parts. First is the header information second is the line information and the third is the shipments and distributions information. This applies for the standard purchase order.
Column Name
Unique Po Header Id
Agent id refers PO_AGENTS_V
PO Number
Revision Number for PO
Unique vendor id refers PO_VENDOR_ID
Unique vendor site id refers PO_VENDOR_SITES_ALL
Vendor contact id
Where the material will be shipped by supplier
Where the Bill/Invoice will be sent by the supplier
Currency code
Authorization status for the PO Open/Closed/Approved/Incomplete
What is the type of PO Standard/Blanket/Planned
Operating Unit
The second type of information stored is line level information.
Its is stored in the table PO_LINES_ALL
Column Name
Line identification number
PO header id refers PO_HEADERS_ALL
Line type_id such as Goods/Services/Expense etc
Unique line num for each line item
Item to purchased refers MTL_SYSTEMS_ITEMS
Revision of the item refers MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS
Description of item
Quantity to be entered
Price of one unit
Unit price from price list
Operating unit from where purchasing will take place
Promise date by supplier
Date by which the material is required

The third type of information is the shipment
The information is stored in PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ALL
Column Name
Unique identifier LINE_LOCATION_ID
Quantity to be shipped
Unique Identifier for the quantity to be shipped
Price break, Blanket ,Standard
Operating Unit
The distribution information is stored in PO_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL
Column Name
Unique Distribution Id
PO Header Identification number referring PO_HEADERS_ALL
PO Line identification number referring PO_LINES_ALL
Set of Books
GL Code combination id for charge account
Quantity Ordered
Unique distribution number
Destination type Code for e.g. Inventory
Destination organization id
Destination Sub-inventory
Operating unit
PO Release identification number if the PO type is blanket PO
Thus to summarize the information for Standard, Planned is stored in the following tables.
Creation of Blanket Purchase Order
When the purchase order type information is of the type blanket then the header and line level information is stored in same table as that of standard PO. For a blanket one more transaction named a Release transaction is made. This release transaction then creates the shipment information and the distribution information. Therefore for a blanket transactions following tables are used.
Thus a blanket PO is same as Standard PO with the help of extra transaction call Releases. The table for releases is PO_RELEASE_ALL
Column Name
PO Release identification Number
Unique release num
Buyer ID refers PO_AGENTS_V
The date on which release is created
Revision number is generated when any changes are done to release information
Y if the release in question is approved
Date on release is approved
No of times the release is printed
Last printed date of the release
Different status of the releases such as Open/Closed/Approved/Incomplete
Operating unit
Concept of Multi Organization in Purchasing
In Oracle purchasing can be done across multiple organizations also called as operating units. So to accommodate this oracle has provided multi org views for the base tables of purchasing. For instance the table PO_HEADERS_ALL stores the header information of all the orgs. For using multi org view we need to set ORG_ID context variable using the AOL built in package. The syntax is given below.
Once this is set then one can get rows in from all multi org views. Table below illustrates the base tables and there multi org views.
Base Table
Multi Org View

Sunday, 20 May 2012

R12 SLA - Subledger Accounting

R12 SLA - Subledger Accounting

R12 SLA - Subledger Accounting 
Please find first in the series of articles on R12 Subledger Accounting .
This article is Part-1 of Subledger Accounting.

Why SLA and what does it do?Oracle Sub Ledger accounting (SLA) is accounting hub in Oracle Application Release 12 (R12). It is used to derive all attributes required to account a transaction in Oracle General Ledger. In R12, SLA is used to derive the very basic accounting attributes like entered amount, accounted amount, Date, Currency code etc and the complex attributes like Ledger, Code Combination ID, Periods etc. After deriving these accounting attributes the transactions are then interfaced to GL from SLA. Thus in R12 no sub ledgers (AP, PO, PA etc) interfaces the transactions directly to GL, but all the transactions are interfaced to GL in following 2 steps: 
1. Sub ledgers interface the data to SLA.
2. SLA derives the accounting information and interfaces the data to GL. 

SLA gives the flexibility to manage the entire accounting rule at one place, which acts as a single source of truth for GL. 

Note: There is no separate responsibility to access SLA setup or the view the transactions generated by SLA. Rather we can access SLA setup and review accounted transactions with extended menus attached to each sub ledger module. 

Menu to access the SLA accounted transactions. 

Menu to access the SLA Setup. 

How does SLA works? 1. Register sub ledger transactions in SLA. After validating / approving / costing the transaction in the respective module, the sub ledger calls SLA API to create a reference of the validated transaction in SLA. This reference is known as EVENT. Events are created by calling the public API “xla_events_pub_pkg.create_events” provided by SLA. It is up to the sub ledgers on how to call the API. For example Oracle Projects call this API from concurrent program “PRC: Generate Cost Accounting Events” and Oracle Payables calls this API while user creates accounting for the Invoice. 

While calling xla_events_pub_pkg.create_events, oracle passes a unique id and event class (Will discuss in next step). Unique ID can be an invoice id or a po_distribution id or an expenditure_item_id etc. As soon as the sub ledger generates event in SLA, SLA returns unique event_id. This event_id will then act as a reference to all the accounting entries generated by the SLA. Once event is successfully created in SLA, means that the transaction is registered in SLA for accounting. 

Taking the example of Oracle Projects in 11i where after costing the transaction user need to run the ‘PRC: Interface Cost to General Ledger’ followed by ‘Journal Import’ followed by ‘PRC: Tieback process’. But in R12 user only need to run “PRC: Generate Cost Accounting Events” which will register events in SLA and thereafter SLA will take care of accounting the transaction and interfacing it to GL. There is no tieback process in R12, as there is one to one reference of event id between SLA and sub ledger tables. 

2. How does SLA understand whether unique id is invoice id or a po_distribution id or an expenditure_item_id as SLA uses same table to store all the identifier? In step 1 we discussed that while creating the event we also need to pass event class. This event class is used to distinguish between the types of transaction passed for processing. To understand this better we will go thru the seeded oracle information. 


Responsibility: Projects, Vision Services (USA) 
Menu: Setup > Subledger Accounting > Accounting Methods Builder > Events > Event Modal 

This screen shows the hierarchical structure of different transactions that can be interfaced to SLA. Because the above screen shot is from Oracle Projects responsibility thus it shows only the projects related transactions. In the entity screen we see only those transactions that can be interfaced to the GL, that’s why we do not see Invoice as one of the entity as Invoices are not directly interfaced to GL from PA but they are routed thru AR. 

Identifiers are the unique ID that is passed to SLA from sub ledgers. Per the screenshot Oracle is passing expenditure_Item_id for entity ‘EXPENDITURE’. “Identifier Column” field under Identifier window tells what column in SLA table should store expenditure_item_id. The identifier columns that can be used are SOURCE_ID_INT_1 to 4, SOURCE_ID_DATE_1 to 4, SOURCE_ID_CHAR_1 to 4 these values and columns are present in table XLA_TRANSACTION_ENTITIES. 

Event Class window displays the different kind of expenditure transactions that can be interfaced to GL. This level of hierarchy is known as Event class, which is further classified into Event Types. In PA we have different event types like Labor Cost, Misc Cost, Usage Cost, Supplier Cost etc. Further we could classify Supplier Cost as Expense Report and Invoices as Oracle Projects can interfaces only these 2 transactions from AP. 

3. Based on the identifiers and event class, how SLA creates accounting lines? After registering the event in SLA, we can create accounting entries by running executable XDODTEXE. This executable is provided by SLA and is used by all the sub ledgers with different concurrent program names. Around 160 concurrent programs are uses the same executable for example in Projects it is used with name “PRC: Create Accounting”. This executable does the following: 
a. Gather information from base tables in sub ledgers. 
b. Derive the accounting attributes based on the data fetched from sub ledgers. 
c. Derive code combination id based on the business rules. 
d. Create journal lines based on the seeded Journal definition. 
e. Create lines in XLA_AE_HEADERS and XLA_AE_LINES. 

GL Budget Interface

GL Budget Interface

GL Budget Interface

This program lets you prepare and analyze your budget outside of General Ledger and then transfer your budget information into General Ledger. This enables you to perform your budgeting in the environment you choose, and still maintain the integrity of your database.
Interface Table:
GL_BUDGET_INTERFACE is used to upload budget data into your Oracle General Ledger application from an external source. Each row includes one fiscal year’s worth of budget amounts for an account. When you load this table, you must supply all NOT NULL columns with data. In addition, you must supply a valid account combination in the SEGMENT columns appropriate to your chart of accounts. Finally, you must supply the budget amounts in the appropriate AMOUNT columns.
The mandatory (not null) columns of the Interface table are:
  • BUDGET_ENTITY_NAME (the budget organization)
  • UPDATE_LOGIC_TYPE (A for Add, R for Replace)
Other important columns are:
  • SEGMENT1 through SEGMENT30
  • Budget Name and Budget Entity Name
  • Currency Code
  • Account Segments(Code Combination in GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS Table)
To upload a budget:
  1. Navigate to the Upload Budget window (Budgets > Enter > Upload).
  2. Enter the Budget and Budget Organization.
  3. click Upload.
General Ledger submits a concurrent process to upload budget information from the GL_BUDGET_INTERFACE table.
Budget Upload Validation:
Budget Upload validates all of your budget information for compatibility with General Ledger. Budget Upload also checks to make sure that the following conditions are true:
• Your account is assigned to a budget organization
• The budget entry type for your account is Entered
• Your budget is not Frozen
• Your budget organization is not Frozen
• Your budget fiscal year is open for your budget
Once updated, General Ledger automatically deletes the rows of budget records in the Budget Interface table.
Base Tables:
For more information see Oracle General Ledger User Guide

Item Import Program Using API in 11i

Apps Initialization using API

v_responsibility_name VARCHAR2 (100) := 'Payables';
v_user_name            VARCHAR2 (100) := 'Oracle';
v_application_id         NUMBER := 0;
v_responsibility_id      NUMBER := 0;
v_user_id                 NUMBER := 0;
v_flag                      NUMBER := 0;
      --Getting Responsbility and Application Id
           SELECT responsibility_id,
           INTO     v_responsibility_id,
           FROM   fnd_responsibility_tl
          WHERE  responsibility_name = v_responsibility_name
          WHEN OTHERS
                                ( 'Error in getting Responsibility information and error is '
                                 || SUBSTR (SQLERRM, 1, 200)
             v_flag := 1;
        ----Getting User Id
             SELECT user_id
             INTO v_user_id
             FROM fnd_user
             WHERE user_name = v_user_name;
            WHEN OTHERS
                         ( 'Error in getting User information and error is '
                            || SUBSTR (SQLERRM, 1, 200)
                   v_flag := 1;

        IF v_flag = 0
                fnd_global.apps_initialize (v_user_id,
        END IF;
                   ( 'Error in procedure apps initialize and error is '
                     || SUBSTR (SQLERRM, 1, 200)

Item Import Program Using API in 11i

Item Import Program Using API in 11i

We can use the below code to Submit the Item Import Program using API.

Code is tested in 11i.


 v_phase               VARCHAR2(240);
 v_status              VARCHAR2(240);
 v_request_phase   VARCHAR2(240);
 v_request_status  VARCHAR2(240);
 v_finished            BOOLEAN;
 v_message          VARCHAR2(240);
 l_request_id         NUMBER;


   --We need to apps initialize before calling the import program
   --Apps Initialize is explained in another section. Check below link to know in detail
          Apps Initialize;

      l_request_id := Fnd_Request.submit_request (
                                application   => 'INV',
                               program        => 'INCOIN',
                              description     => NULL,
                              start_time      => SYSDATE,
                              sub_request   => FALSE,
                              argument1     => 1,     --Mode to run this request(Insert new cost information only)
                              argument2     => 1,     --Group ID option (All)
                              argument3     => 1,     -- Group ID Dummy
                             argument4     => 1,
                             argument5     => 1,
                             argument6     => <Group ID>,     -- Group ID passed in Interface table
                             argument7     => <1 or 2>          -- 1 for Create and 2 for Update
      IF  ( l_request_id = 0 ) THEN
         dbms_output.put_line( 'Submission of Import failed ');
      END IF;
      -- Wait for request to run the import Program to Finish
      v_finished := fnd_concurrent.wait_for_request (request_id      => l_request_id,
                                                     interval        => 60,
                                                     max_wait      => 0,
                                                     phase          => v_phase,
                                                     status          => v_status,
                                                     dev_phase    => v_request_phase,
                                                     dev_status   => v_request_status,
                                                     message      => v_message);

      dbms_output.put_line('Request Phase : '|| v_request_phase );
      dbms_output.put_line('Request Status : ' || v_request_status );

      --Testing end status
      IF UPPER(v_request_status) = 'NORMAL') THEN
          dbms_output.put_line( 'Submission of Item Import is Success ');
          dbms_output.put_line( 'Submission of Item Import failed ');
      END IF;
         dbms_output.put_line( 'Submission of Import failed ');
 END ;




KFF are used to capture mandatory or Key Business information of the Organization. Each Key Flex Field is having its won base Table.
key flexfield is a field made up of segments, each of which has both a value and a meaning. You can think of a key flexfield as an “intelligent” field that your business can use to store information represented as codes.
Most organizations use codes to identify general ledger accounts, part numbers, and other business entities. Each segment in the code represents a characteristic of the entity. A combination of segment values, also known as a key flexfield code combination, uniquely describes a business entity stored in a key flexfield.
The organization decides the following four basic information for each key flexfield:
  1. How many segments an entity has?
  2. What each segment means?
  3. What values each segment can have?
  4. What each segment value means?
Few Key Flexfields in different oracle modules are:
Module: GL
  1. Accounting
Module: HRMS
  1. Job
  2. Position
  3. Grade
  4. Personal Analysis   
Module: Inventory
  1. Account Aliases
  2. Item Catalogs
  3. Item Categories
  4. Sales Orders
  5. Stock Locations
  6. System Items
Module: Fixed Assets
  1. Asset
  2. Category
  3. Location
Module: AR
  1. Sales Tax Location
  2. Territory
Flexfields consists of Structures > Structures consists of Segments > Segments consists of Value Set >Value Set consists of Parameters.
Main Tables:
This table captures the information of all the Key FlexFields. The main columns in this table are:
  • APPLICATION_ID ‐ Column consists of Application ID
  • ID_FLEX_CODE ‐ Column KFF Code (like ‘GL#’, ‘AR#’ etc.)
  • ID_FLEX_NAME  -  KFF Name (like ‘Accounting Flexfield’, ‘Category Flexfield’..etc.)
  • APPLICATION_TABLE_NAME – Name of combination table (like ‘GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS’ , ‘FA_LOCATIONS’ etc.)
This table stores structure information about key Flexfields. Each Structure is uniquely identified by
  • APPLICATION_ID – Module Code
  • ID_FLEX_CODE  – Code of KFF
  • ID_FLEX_NUM – Number of a Structure
It captures the information of Segments. Each Segment is Uniquely identified by
  • APPLICATION_ID – Module Code
  • ID_FLEX_CODE – Key Flexfield code
  • ID_FLEX_NUM – Key flexfield structure number
  • SEG_NUM – Segment number
  • FLEX_VALUE_SET_ID – Flexfield value set identifier
This table captures the information of each Segment’s Value Set. Each Value Set is Uniquely identified by FLEX_VALUE_SET_ID as Foreign Key of FND_ID_FLEX_SEGMENTS Table.
This table captures the information each Value codes of a Value Set of a Segment. Each Value Code is uniquely identified by
This table captures the information of each Value Description of a Value Set of a Segment. Each Value Description is uniquely identified by FLEX_VALUE_ID.
02        FIF.ID_FLEX_CODE    ,
03        FIF.ID_FLEX_NAME    ,
05        FIF.DESCRIPTION     ,
06        FIFS.ID_FLEX_NUM    ,
11from    FND_ID_FLEXS FIF    ,
20and     FIF.ID_FLEX_NAME LIKE 'Accounting Flexfield';
Steps required to register a New Key Flexfield (KFF):
1] Create a KFF Table in Module Specific Schema.
2] Create a Public Synonym in APPS Schema.
3] Register the Table with AOL Module.
Go to Application Developer > Functions > Application > Database > Table
We can also register a Table using Application DBA Data Definitions (AD_DD) Package from the Back End.
procedure register_table
(p_appl_short_name in varchar2,
p_tab_name in varchar2,
p_tab_type in varchar2,
p_next_extent in number default 512,
p_pct_free in number default 10,
p_pct_used in number default 70);
procedure register_column
(p_appl_short_name in varchar2,
p_tab_name in varchar2,
p_col_name in varchar2,
p_col_seq in number,
p_col_type in varchar2,
p_col_width in number,
p_nullable in varchar2,
p_translate in varchar2,
p_precision in number default null,
p_scale in number default null);
You can also use the AD_DD API to delete the registrations of tables and columns from Oracle Application Object Library tables.
4] Register the KFF with AOL Module.
Go to Application Developer > FlexField > Key > Register